Wednesday 14 January 2009


Theo has had a stable first 12 hours and is on air and only a little oxygen. He appears quite comfortable and they are trying not to handle him too much so he can rest and try and maintain some strength after his tough start.
Due to it being a natural delivery, I am feeling really well physically (don't ask mentally!!) which is a huge relief and meant I was allowed out of hospital for a couple of hours to visit Theo. Gary drove me over in my pj's to have a look at my new son (I had seen him very briefly when he was born but other than that had just seen photos that Gary had taken). It goes without saying that it was a very emotional 'meeting' and impossible to describe how tough it is to see your baby with so many wires, tubes and machines etc, but he is just the most adorable boy ever and has already charmed everyone with his blonde hair and cute wee face. He was very responsive to my voice and it was the most he had opened his eyes since birth. He was really looking around for the voice and it was reassurance that he is aware of mum and dad. I'm sure he will recognise his big brothers voice soon enough and his obsessive 'choo, choo'(Thomas the Tank mad at the moment!)