Thursday 15 January 2009


Mum left dad and Lucas to have some 'father/son' time in the morning and I had some quality time with my new son. He was looking better today and everyone was commenting on how relaxed and peaceful he looked. I think this is because they have reduced his milk to 1ml an hour and this seems to be agreeing with him better. He looked less 'puffy' as he had got rid of a lot of fluid and generally looked content. Gary and I headed back later in the afternoon and spoke to the surgeon who had again redressed his exomphalos. They are happy with the repair and some of the fluid has gone down which makes it slightly easier to see what they are dealing with. They informed us that his exomphalos was rather unusual as the opening to it is particularly small which isn't normally the case for large exomphalos's. They are unclear as to what this means longer term for Theo as they will struggle to put his liver back in but that it is early days and the main focus is on Theo getting stronger and tolerating his feeds. Overall another settled day for our wee soldier.


  1. Gary and Nic. What a lot you have gone through in just a few days. Wonderful to see some photos of your gorgeous wee boy. We are so glad to hear he arrived safely and what a wee fighter he is already. This blog is a great idea as it is great to hear how he is doing and we are thinking of you all the time. All our love Helen, Iain and Anna xx

  2. Hi you guys, just wanted to say that we are thinking of you all. Nic you write so beautifully. I'm sure other familes of exomphalos babies will find this blog so reassuring; what a steep learning curve it is. Sending you so much love, Jess, Neil, Daphne and Zella - PS Good luck Grandad with the decorating!!

  3. Thanks Nic for your amazing generosity. I loved that you let Margo and me share the highs and lows of both your pregnancies and feel so privileged that you and Gary are willing to share this journey.
    I think that wee Theo knows already what an amazing family he has been lucky enough to be born into.

    Sending mega hugs, Laura

  4. Hi Nicola and Gary. I really want to say I admire your positive attitude and your bravery in facing what you are facing. I love the way all this was written and all I can say is keep it and one day who knows you can write a book but you also need to remember how things were. I always say every baby is special and sent to us by God for a reason. Your baby is really your very special baby and hopefully one day soon I'll be able to meet both of you and your boys. Lots of love and God Bless. Bev McDavid

  5. Nic / Gary, Congratulations to you both on the birth of Theo. I felt quite tearful reading your blog and I have to say that I greatly admire your courage and positive outlook as it's the only way to be during this time, so make sure you keep it up. Theo has already shown you both that he has the "Eye of the Tiger"

    My thoughts are with you all at this time.

    Go Theo !!!!

    Mark Kennedy

  6. Congratulations on the safe arrival of your gorgeous wee boy, and what a relief to get some information about how he's doing. You are both being so brave and strong, and just please know that we're thinking about you both and Theo all the time. Chin up, my pootiful girl, and I know your lovely big hubby is being a rock. Big hugs to the new big brother (choo choo!) and loads of love to you all. The Govans Family

  7. Hi it's Samantha from church... i'm sooo sorry for you. You must be going through sooooo much.

    You're all very strong!

    Love and huge hugs to all Samantha xx
