Monday 19 January 2009


Good Evening all...Dad here again. I believe a few people now wait in anticipation for the next chapter.
Thanks for all your kind words and torrent of Txt's. I cant say enough how much this means to us.

Things have been fairly stable today for Theo. I visited the hospital with Granny (all the way down from Inverness) it was her first time meeting Theo, so she was very pleased to see him, and hold his hand for a wee while.

We tried to regain a level of normality using our own support mechanisms -I popped over to Ewen's to watch the football in the afternoon, while Nic attended church. The minister sat and prayed with Nic and Margaret before the service and said a few subtle words during the service, which was very comforting. Later that afternoon we witnessed a miracle...........................Aberdeen beat Celtic 4-2! ( I only hope the big man received the messages about Theo as well!)

Another sign that Theo's surprise arrival was meant to be, was in his horoscope from last Saturday that my Aunty spotted and forwarded today on e-mail.

'Are you really in an extreme situation? Is it time to start thinking about making big, irreversible moves? If you truly think you are safe to stay as you are, do so. Deep down though I suspect you know perfectly well that a tide is turning. The week begins with a Full Moon in your opposite sign. You can wait passively till the big change happens automatically or you pre-empt it and gain an advantage. If you want to do that, you already know what you must do a soon as possible.

We feel this really describes Theo's journey well, did he come early because he knew something wasn't right? You can make your own mind up....

Nic & I both went to see Theo this evening. After a rocky start (due to the new admissions in the ward, and a number of people wanting to see/inspect Theo) we had a little time with our boy. He is still heavily sedated and has not opened his eyes all weekend which is difficult because you feel like he is OK when he opens his eyes and moves around a bit. The consultant is in the process of reducing is morphine levels tonight to encourage him to be more aware of his surroundings and shift some fluid which has collected around his body due to surgery and lack of movement. They were slightly concerned with some swelling in his leg, so brought in a radiographer to check the line which is inserted up into his groin to make sure everything was connected OK. They were relatively happy, but may need to remove it and put in a new one, which is not so good as Theo will need to go into theatre again, and we all feel the wee sole has been through enough (Dr's included). The good news is the surgeons managed to squeeze over a cm back into his tummy, so the exomphalos is slightly smaller, so we are slowly going in the right direction

All in all the specialists are happy with his progress and mentioned that he has not taken a back step yet which is very reassuring.

To top the evening off on a good note, Nic was prescribed a half pint of guiness to help with the expressing. I suggested that I should also take the medicine as we are on this journey together, however I will not be using the breast pump!


  1. Hey you two. Am so pleased that every day your postings are more and more positive, lots of little steps will soon make up to one big step! Gary, I can see that Nicola has finally got through to you with her passion for horoscopes! What will be next...hmmm...moisturiser, foundations...we'll see. Nicola, an open invitation to you for a spot of normality in Shandon at any time, could even squeeze in a guiness if it is your preferred tipple at the moment.

    Keep staying strong and yes I DO wait in anticipation for the next posting (no pressure Gary).

    Em x

  2. As soon as I get up each morning the first thing I do is look at Theos blog. The Cumming family are all gunning for you and everyones fingers and toes are crossed. Can't wait for the big get together in July, the whole Cumming family will be here (is that a good thing?) and can't wait to show Theo the beautiful Island of Arran. Love Auntie Ethne xx

  3. Gary, Nicola & Lucas
    Just want you to know that we are all praying here in Forres and in my church in Luanda for healing for your beautiful baby son- 'Nothing is impossible with God'

    Hang on in there as you are a strong family and Theo is proving himself to be a little fighter.

    With our love & blessings to you all
    Bill,Christine et alxx

  4. Gary,Nicola & Lucas,

    Just want you to know that we are all praying in Forres and in my church in Luanda for healing for your beautiful baby son- 'Nothing is impossible with God'

    You are a strong family and baby Theo is proving himself to be a little fighter.

    With our love & blessings to you all
    Bill, Christine & familyx
