Saturday 24 January 2009


Gary and I visited Theo this morning while Lucas was kept very busy swimming and charging around the softplay at the Commonwealth Pool with Aunty Nic and granny. They looked more tired than Gary and I by the end of it! Lucas will sleep well tonight...
We met with one of the surgeons (Amanda) today and she spent a long time explaining the next steps for our Theo. They are going to take him to theatre first thing on Monday morning and will remove the silo that is currently stitched onto his body. From experience, they know it will only last 10-14 days before it starts to come away and so they are keen to do this while it is still secure and healthy. They will then try and 'tuck' a few more bits back in and will cover the remaining exomphalos with a material called 'integra' which is used to treat burns victims and patients with large ulcers. It's basically collagen and shark cartlidge(looked that up on the internet so don't quote me) and acts as an artificial skin which will seal up the opening(albeit with contents still outside) and encourage Theo's own cells to grow a membrane again. At the same time, they will take a small skin graft from Theo (they only need about a square 1cm) and they will then courier it straight away to Sheffield, to grow it in a lab. It should take about 18 days to grow to the size they require and then they will place the skin over the integra to seal it and act as a barrier. This would mean that Theo would then have a large hernia which would hopefully return gradually to his body as he grows and they would then eventually operate when they had enough stomach muscle to close it and fit all back inside.
It sounds absolutely incredible and the hospital are very 'excited' in a good way as they have never done this before and everyone is keen for it to work. Our boy is being spoken about throughout the country as they search to find the best treatment and everyone and anyone has been consulted. There is an expert on growing skin who will have the necessary equipment to take the skin and transport it to Sheffield. There will also be the consultant surgeon, 2 registrar surgeons, head of plastic surgery and a medical photographer all there to lend their expertise in their own field. The cost for all this is phenomenal but I wouldn't expect anything less from my boy if he takes after his mummy...only the best will do for our son ;-)
Gary Drove into see Theo tonight and he was well rested. They had up'd his Morphone from 0.8ml to 1.0ml per hr and given him some paracetamol as he was a little uncomfortable. They have also re-introduced Furosemide. This works by blocking the absorption of salt and fluid in the kidney tubules, increasing urine which will help reduce swelling and hopefully allow Theo to open his eyes without a lot of effort.
So our son is fast becoming well known and he is only 2 weeks old. I always knew he would be very special but even we didn't expect this. He is proving to be something of a miracle and we just know he is going to astound the medical world. His journey is far from over and there are still many hurdles to get over so you must keep thinking and praying for him. I worry that it all sounds like he is getting better and people stop sending as many positive thoughts. I know that sounds silly, but we have to cling to everything and I strongly believe he is doing so well because he is in so many people's thoughts so keep it up!
I'm off to bed now as we have a big day tomorrow. It is Lucas's bday on Monday but we are bringing it forward by a day and having all the family over tomorrow for a 'party'. He has no idea how spoiled he will be this year....


  1. Hi guys,

    hope Lucas has a great day today and that Theo gets him something really special for his birthday! We'll be thinking of him while he's in surgery - as will half the medical world by the sounds of it!

    All our love,


  2. Hi you guys, just to say the Paterson-Family-Good-Vibes-Machine has been cranked up to full blast and we will be thinking of you all tomorrow. I'm so tickled by the idea of Theo's medical team being excited about him! That just makes them sound so positive and determined, and like people who really love their jobs. Not surprising when they come into contact with amazing parents like you two. Best of luck tomorrow and Happy Birthday to Laughing Lucas.
    Lots of love from Jessica, Neil, Daphne & Zella

  3. That whole process sounds amazing!

    We'll be thinking of Theo tomorrow morning and sending lots of love up the A68.

    Janie and family

  4. Hi all, I'll be setting up an account to "follow" as soon as I get home, was only told about your blog today, Mum and dad have been keeping me upto date so far.
    Both of you are doing tremendously, I don't know where you find your strength. I look forward to a day in the not-too-distant future when I can pop upto Scotland and visit you all at home, and see the gorgeous wee man in his rightful place with all his family.

    Lots of love
    Jeanette xxx

  5. Nic & Gary,
    Just to say you did a great job today for Lucas's birthday party. (especially impressed with your musical bumps Nic!) Lucas & Theo are 2 very very lucky boys to have such strong and thoughtful parents like you. We will be thinking about you all tomorrow and praying that all goes to plan. Give Lucas a big Birthday kiss and Theo a tender be strong one from us. Aunt Ros, Uncle Bry, Anya & Christopher xxxx

  6. We will be thinking of you all on Monday. Theo is a very special boy and it sounds like he, quite rightly, has a mountain of support.

    Sending an absolute TON of positive vibes!

    Much love

    Claire, Fran & Seth (GEEPS)

  7. Am really rooting and praying for you guys.
    Lots of love from Bev in South Africa
