Wednesday 14 January 2009

Surprise arrival!

In true Welsh style, little Theo James Welsh made a very early appearance(beating his big brother by two weeks!) and arrived on the 10th January, 2009 at 19.17.
The exomphalos had been gaining a lot of fluid over the last few weeks and so baby was perhaps getting quite squashed in mums tummy. Although the early delivery was the last thing we would have wanted, it went very well and he was delivered naturally which was our best hopes for him. The exomphalos had a very tiny tear in it and so Theo was transferred from Simpsons to Sick Kids that night and taken to theatre to repair the tear. His surgeon said it was the first time he had repaired an exomphalos rupture so he has already broken records!! He struggled to maintain his body temperature the first night but has now stabilised this.
Although it will be a very long journey we are hopeful that he is a wee fighter and feel that the journey has at least started. It has been a very difficult pregnancy filled with worry and doubts and although I would never have wished to have him so early, there is a relief that we have now finally met and that he is here safely. For a while it has been like looking at a large mountain and not knowing how we are ever going to climb it but we are now on our way and have already made baby steps. We are hopeful he will show them what a fighter he is like his big brother.

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