Wednesday 14 January 2009


Lucas meets Theo!
We took Lucas in to meet Theo today which was really nice to do. We wanted to try and have him picture where we were going everyday and try to have him understand that the baby is here although not at home. He was interested in all the buttons and kept saying 'nine' which is his word for numbers and would have loved to have played with the buttons on the machines...possibly not the best toy! He did however love the present that Theo had bought for him which was 'James' (Theo's middle name after my dad) but more importantly the name of a train on Thomas the Tank. My parents also came to visit Theo today which was very emotional but comforting for them and also supportive for ourselves as it is very hard trying to explain what we are going through unless you have seen it or gone through something like this yourself before.
Theo was again looking around a lot today and trying to make sense of his strange surroundings. I think he loved hearing his brother and I'm sure he is just thinking about how he is going to get him back for all the kicks and elbows to him he has already given him when inside my tummy. Lucas gave a fair few blows! It was lovely to all be a family in the same room and have 'my boys' all together.

Can we also take this opportunity to thank everyone for their well wishes through texts, messages and cards etc. We really appreciate all your support and kind words and it is so comforting to know that we are in so many people's thoughts. I just know Theo has his own guardian angel watching over him and I know he will be receiving all your positive thoughts to keep him going. He is a much loved wee boy and we just know he is made of special stuff. We hope this blog helps inform everyone of how he is doing and is a way of communicating his progress to all our friends and family.

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